Tuesday, 5 February 2013


After researching into the idea of a cyborg, I have decided to focus on how people with disabilities use technology to help their lives, and place them in contrast with people who chose to replace limbs with technology. I have read many articles where people who have lost their sight, or hearing have had them reversed by using 'cyborg' type technology. Jens Naumann was given artificial vision as he was born blind, it is extraordinary how technology can change peoples lives.

My initial plan, after discussing it in more detail today at the group crit, would be to take a full length photograph of a person, and Photoshop a artificial limb onto the body, which I could make out of mechanics and cogs that I can find and photograph myself. However, if this is not possible, I will use a stock image and Photoshop this instead. My Photoshop skills are not brilliant, so I want to take this opportunity to make them better! This project is not about taking the most amazing photographs and making them look super real. I want to develop a skill, and using this project to develop them, whilst receiving help off tutors and fellow classmates is a fantastic opportunity to do so!

I also had an alternative idea, whereby I take a photograph of a person's forearm, and Photoshop the technology almost breaking free of the person through the skin. I have seen this be done on posters and advertisements for films such as Spiderman and The Hulk, where the internal hero is breaking through the skin of the normal character. I think that this will be a difficult task to achieve, but if I try hard to develop my Photoshop skills over this short period of time, I think I will be able to produce an image of a high standard. This is looking like a more likely idea, as the first idea sounds boring and wouldn't challenge me, as I can already do this in Photoshop!

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